Submitting your C.V.
A well prepared C.V. may not lead directly to a job offer but it will improve your chances of being considered for a position and being invited for interview. Here are a few suggestions for submitting your C.V.
- Make sure your C.V. is up to date and clearly describes your past jobs, education qualifications, your strengths and expertise.
- Demonstrate your achievements by giving specific information about your accomplishments.
- Be factual and don’t exaggerate dates or titles. We request references from past employers and inaccuracies will be highlighted.
- Include your current contact information, including address and telephone numbers.
- Use the spell checker on your computer or ask a friend to review your C.V. for typos or grammatical errors
- Each vacancy will have an address to where your C.V. needs to be sent.
- For speculative applications please send your C.V. a covering letter/email describing the type of position you would be interested in and your desired location.
Preparing for an Interview
The recruitment process would typically consist of 2 interviews and may involve ability tests and personality questionnaires.
The first interview would typically be with the direct manager, and would be based predominantly on your C.V. There would be a discussion regarding the role, the department and the company.
The aim of a first interview is to select those people who we consider most closely meet the specifications for the job.
The second interview would typically be with your direct manager and their manager. The aim of this interview is to explore the key competencies that are essential for the role and to explore your experience, knowledge and skills in relation to these. In some interviews there may be opportunity to have a tour of the office or site.
When preparing for your interview you need to refer to the advert for the role, your C.V. which includes your experience, knowledge and skills, information about the company and the current issues that might affect the role. Think about the questions you might be asked and think about the questions that you want to ask.
Make sure that you know your C.V. and that you are able to easily describe your expertise and strengths and to discuss other aspects of your C.V.
Dress comfortably and appropriately for your interview.
Relax and be yourself. This will help to show through your natural enthusiasm and interest for the role and company.
You may be asked questions that you hadn’t thought about during your preparation. Take you time and consider your response.
At the beginning of the interview be prepared to engage in ‘small talk’. While you are waiting for your interview think about your surroundings, what your initial impressions are, how was your journey etc.
Be open about your successes, if you don’t promote your skills and experience nobody else will. If you feel that there is an area in your skills and experience that is lacking in relation to the role then talk about it and see if your other skills and experience can compensate.
Finally, if you don’t understand a question then ask for clarification.