About Concrete
Concrete is a composite consisting of the following main constituents: cement, aggregates, water, and admixtures. It is a material that can be cast into different shapes, is durable, is the most attractive construction material in terms of compressive strength (construction material with highest strength per unit cost), and its increasing use is fundamental for sustainable construction. Learn more about how readymix concrete is manufactured by viewing ouranimated process.
Concrete By DesignTM

CEMEX does not “simply manufacture concrete”, but develops solutions based on the thorough knowledge and application of concrete technology. Leveraging years of experience, a worldwide pool of knowledge, and state-of-the-art expertise about the different concrete constituents and their interaction, CEMEX offers its customers tailor-designed concrete.
CEMEX concrete technologists are able to modify the properties of concrete through the use of innovative chemical admixtures, combined with the proper proportions of the various concrete constituents. For example, depending on the type of application and jobsite requirements, we can design concrete that is more fluid, stronger, develops strength faster, and also retains workability longer.
Through the development of chemical admixtures solutions, researchers at CEMEX’s Global Center for Technology and Innovation design special concretes that fulfill the construction industry’s increasingly demanding performance requirements. CEMEX offers a special concrete portfolio, comprised of such products as ultra rapid hardening concrete, crack-resistant/low shrinkage concrete, self-consolidating concrete (SCC), architectural concrete, pervious concrete, and a number of others.